
C.C. Dupree & Me

Well, it’s official. I’ve been wanting to start this blog for a long time, so here it is. Welcome to the insane insights of true life as it really is for teens and young adults.

Please allow me to introduce my alter ego. My real name I choose to keep anonymous. I will be referred only as C.C. Dupree at least for now. It’s not that I don’t find myself interesting enough, but actually I think some people may plot to kill me if they ever read this blog. You see, anonymity can be liberating when you are the observer. Being a person of few spoken words can be advantageous when you’re observing the behavior of others.

It’s not that I enjoy revealing the secrets of others or even my own for that matter; however, I think that there is somehow a lesson to be learned in everything we see and do. I find that a diary seen only by my own eyes is far too boring and not at all beneficial to others. Even my own mistakes, embarrassing as they may be, may somehow help others not to do the same.

Now, why have I titled this blog, “Youth-Disturbed”? You ask! It’s simply because there is something a little disturbing in all of us. It may be as subtle as the most popular girl in school who seems to have an ever changing breast size day-to-day (props to Charmin Ultra) or as in-your-face as a teenage drag queen who wears bright yellow latex pants who you can softly hear whispering the lyrics to “I Feel Like a Woman”.

Regardless, we all have some degree of idiosyncrasies which only serve to make us human. It is my intention with this blog to give you a look inside your own humanity, to dissect it and put it under a microscope and then go away feeling like you’ve actually learned something.