
Boy Crazy Bimbos

What happens to girls after “The Boys are Gross” stage? Well, I can tell you what happens to some of them – they go effing crazy!! I have friends who I think have actually lost their minds over the last couple of years. Adolescence I think for me has been a normal experience, and I have had my share of short-lived teenage crushes. But that is just it – they were all short-lived and they were all just crushes. I am only fourteen, but I am certainly smart enough to know that the average life expectancy of a teenage relationship is well – probably over before I can even complete this sentence. I am definitely not about to sacrifice my dignity or any part of my anatomy over a boy, but it never ceases to amaze me just how many teeny-bopper girls out there are willing to leap the boundaries of sexual aggression.

Not only is it members of the opposite sex that evoke such insanity, adding a camera to the mix is like igniting a hormonal explosion that instigates immediate panty-dropping. These girls will strike a scantily-clad pose without the slightest regard of what will happen to their revealing expose. If you can’t believe that just take a look at Joe Francis and his, “Girls Gone Wild” empire. He has made millions of dollars off the fact that these girls not only like to “take it all off” for the camera but will offer themselves up to feast like a Thanksgiving Turkey. I’m sure it leaves a father feeling proud that his daughter’s movie debut is an exclusive on a “Girls Gone Wild” video.

I have an ex friend who I shall call Bimbette for reasons that will become obvious. My friendship was severed with her as I saw her sexual promiscuity spinning out of control. In other words - she just could not seem to keep her legs closed. She would not listen to rational advice from me or anyone else regarding her sexual exploits; therefore, in order to preserve my own reputation I was forced to end our friendship.

By the time Bimbette was fourteen she had already been through several sex partners, sneaking out of her house late at night on a regular basis to go and meet them. I would be left alone in her room while she was out doing…. whatever it was she was doing. Not only was I disgusted with the idea which I could hardly fathom, I would constantly stress out over the thought of trying to explain her absence. Unknown to her parents, she was constantly pushing her luck by sneaking back in the house just in-the-nick-of time. Well, on one of those many evenings together Bimbette and her boy friend found it to be a good idea to snap a picture of themselves in one of their most intimate moments with her head positioned strategically in his crotch. I should not have to explain the photo any further – what was going on should be obvious.

Some time later it seems Bimbette was caught cheating on her boy friend, forgetting that the compromising photograph was still in his possession. He took out his revenge by mass-producing the photo and mailing it out to all the members of her family including her grandparents. I can tell you that it made for extremely interesting dinner conversation.

So if all you boy-crazed girls out there can only take one thing away from all of this, just remember to stay away from the camera. If you allow those intimate photos to be snapped this week, you could just end up as next weeks poster girl for the overly sex-ploited.

Pedophile's Paradise

A few days ago I was introduced to a new website known as This website was started back in March by an 18 year old and promotes the fact that you can chat with random anonymous strangers anywhere in the world. At any given time there is no less than 2700 people online, and you can only chat with one person at a time. With no age limit and the lack of moderation, it seems as if this 18 year old has created a pedophile’s paradise. I decided to test my theory with my mother sitting close at hand. Through several conversations I was asked a mass of inappropriate sexually explicit questions leaving me to quickly hit the disconnect. It was as if every perv in the world was online sitting in wait for any unexpecting teen to try and manipulate their way into personal and private information. So just a word of warning out there for all those who chose to visit this site, be very vigilant with the information you chose to relinquish to strangers.


Kevin Jonas Getting Married?

21 year old Kevin Jonas recently announced his engagement to long time girlfriend, Danielle Deleasa. So ladies, if you’re in the market for a Jonas Brother you have one less to choose from. I guess his purity ring is beginning to strangle the life out of his virginity – be careful Kevin, you know what happened to Jessica Simpson!


The Last Encore for MJ

Like most everyone yesterday I sat glued to my television watching as the Michael Jackson memorial unfolded. I did not even realize at the time the enormity of the procession until I watched the evening news last night and saw how it was actually viewed around the entire world - even Lebanon of all places. It is only in his death that the world has come to realize the tremendous gift he has actually left behind for all ages and that music really is the language of our universe.

Over this past weekend my mother and I were in L.A. and happened to ride down Sunset Blvd passing the intersection that leads to where Michael Jackson was residing. Glancing over we could see the numerous banners, cards and flowers that well-wishers had left behind. I do regret now that we did not have time to stop and take in the moment - just a reminder of how the rush of life sometimes gets in the way.

As his last encore for the world to see, I don't think I will ever forget the image of his eleven-year-old-daughter, Paris, telling the world what a great father he was. It was such a courageous task for someone who has been hidden from the world for the past eleven years, and I don't think anyone watching at that very moment could hold back any tears. As for Michael Jackson himself, I certainly don't think we have heard the last of him. His persona was larger than life itself, his spirit will remain and his memory will live forever.

Toe Jam on Americas Got Talent

Last night it was L.A.'s turn to preview their best of the best for Americas Got Talent. Who would have guessed that dancing crusty toe jam has now become a talent. Wish I had thought of that Monseiur Pedicure. Where do they find these people?


The Great Barrier

I refer to “The Great Barrier” as the line that separates us from our parents. Don’t get me wrong, my parents are great, and I do have a great relationship with them. Believe it or not, they do live in the twenty-first century... most of the time. However, there is a thick, invisible line that separates most parents from their teens. I also refer to it as, “The Big Lie.” It’s not a lie that kids tell their parents, but rather a lie that parents tell themselves. Denial is the ultimate self-deceit. Parents seem to think that it’s always someone else’s teen that causes the trouble when their…..perfect child…..cough… cough… would never do such a thing.

To give you a somewhat twisted take on this observation, I offer you my own family as an example. I have two stepbrothers who I refer to as tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum. They both live with their mother in another state which I will not mention. My older brother, Tweedle-dee is now fifteen and has always been considered the, “troublemaker” of the family. He has a history of lying, cheating and manipulating to get what he wants while my younger brother, Tweedle-dum has always been known as, “the perfect child.”

This is where the story gets interesting. A few weeks ago, Tweedle-dee (aka Big Bro) got into a bit of trouble when it was assumed that he had purchased a two-hour porn flick, charged it to his mother’s credit card and stored it in the, “my videos’ section on his computer. Now, I know my big brother pretty well, and I know him well enough to know that if he did purchase the flick: first, he would not have been stupid enough to purchase it with his mom’s credit card and second, he certainly would not have stored it in such an obvious place. So I’m thinking, “What the heck!” There must be a lot more to this story and indeed it was.

When the true story was finally revealed, I was a bit shocked to find out what had really happened. Not only was tweedle-dee innocent of this heinous crime but now he is using it as blackmail against tweedle-dum. Poor Baby Bro….How could this be? His mother would never believe that her perfect son would commit such an act. I guess that also means that she doesn’t know why her lotion products are depleting while he is spending a lot of extra time in the bathroom.

I guess somehow there is a lesson to be learned in all of this. First, if you are a parent remember that the obvious is not always true and things are not always as they appear. Second, don’t ever let your big brother take the rap for you – you’ll spend a lifetime paying for it. Lastly, if you’re like my older brother you need to reanalyze your past behavior – there’s a reason why you got blamed for it in the first place.


Michael Jackson's Last Performance

This is a video of rehearsal on June 23rd for Michael Jackson's, "This is It" tour in what would ultimately be his last performance......Pretty Awesome Michael!!!!! As the Greatest Entertainer Ever........... you will definitely be missed.

Look Out Nick Jonas! Miley Is Single Again!

Miley Cyrus has recently been twittering about being single again. I guess we will be hearing that her pedophiliac ex-boyfriend will be hitting on Selena Gomez next.

Invasion of the Animelians

Over the weekend I had the pleasure to attend The 2009 AX (Anime Expo) where literally over forty-thousand Animelians descended on The Staple Center in Los Angeles. For those of you who still live in the dark ages and don’t know what this is – it is the largest comic and Japanese exhibition in the U.S. While the droves of Anime fans arrived in costume as their favorite character, I heard one reporter describe the scene as, “The mother-load of virgins.” Mass chaos ensued; however, as the doors to the Expo opened on the first day and security seemed overwhelmed with the numerous fans that began to swarm the convention center. With the (WTF) looks on their faces it was as if they did not know quite how to handle the ginormous Halloween party where their biggest threat was a hoard of hungry cartoon characters with plastic weapons.


The Price of Popularity

It’s funny that in researching this subject I came across some rather interesting information on the internet of how to actually become popular. I hate to say it but for all of you who think there is some magic formula out there that will instantly make your popularity peak – think again!

I am proud to say that I have never been considered one of the so-called popular kids (poppies) in school nor would I want to be. You have to dress a certain way, talk a certain way, act a certain way, smell a certain way, walk a certain way, and even eat a certain way. My God! I think it must be exhausting to maintain that social persona 24/7. Personally, I enjoy staying just below the radar; however, I do find it fascinating how one is accepted into the ranks of the ‘Social Elite’.

Due to the nature of my mother’s job and the traveling we have done over the years I have been the ‘newbie’ at several different schools many times over. The one thing that I can tell you without a doubt that is prevalent in all of these schools is the class system, and by that I don’t mean the grade you are in. Social status seems to play a huge roll in school, and seems to be the most important thing in the lives of many teenagers that I know. The one thing I still don’t understand, however, is the fact that most of the poppies as I call them are not even very nice people and are not even liked by that many people. So, why do kids in school persist in maintaining the popularity status of other kids they don’t even like? Well, I have a theory: It’s simply all about power and control.

Power and control is something most kids don’t have at home – all the power is in the hands of their parents and social status is reduced to that of an extremely well-kept prisoner at best. Having spent sixteen hours of being told what to do everyday, they will spend the next eight hours in school breaking out of that roll. It then becomes a battle of social will at school.

Although there are many cliques in school, popularity status can easily be broken down into three groups: the Haves, the Will-Nots, and the Wannabes. The Haves are already poppies and spend all their time trying to maintain their social status. Appearances become very important to them, and they will belittle other kids just to try and make themselves look better. Survival in the real world is difficult for poppies, because their whole world revolves around being who they are in school. The Will-Nots are different in that they have a life outside of the social bubble that exists in school. They don’t have that popularity status nor do they want it. The Wannabes on the other hand are probably the largest group as well as the saddest. I say they are the saddest because without even realizing it, they are what maintains the power behind the poppies. They are so consumed with climbing the social ladder to popularity that they would never dare to defy one of the poppies. You can never miss a wannabe in school – they will always be found following at least two steps behind a poppie.

Probably one of the most pathetic examples I’ve seen of a wannabe involved a situation where Wannabe’s mom was just as desperate as she was to make her a poppie. It started years ago when we were in grammar school and Wannabe’s mom ordered over $1000 worth of Girl Scout cookies just so her daughter could say she sold the most. A year later it starting getting worse when Wannabe’s mom announced she was giving away MP3 players as party favors just to get kids to show up at her daughter’s birthday party.

As summer approached I decided to take a class in math at a learning center just to maintain my skills since math has always been my toughest subject. It was in a different town, because our town did not offer such a class. On my first day I was surprised to find that Wannabe was there. Never giving it a second thought, however, I sat down and attempted to begin my work when I was continuously interrupted by Wannabe. It seems that she was so preoccupied with the fact that I knew she was in summer school that she could not focus on the work. She persistently requested that I not tell anyone I saw her there – she did not want anyone to think she was dumb. Oh! I’m sorry, maybe I was naïve, but I was not aware that summer school made you look stupid! I did not see her again after that first day and found out later that her mom snatched her out the second she found out I was there.

As Wannabe was about to enter middle school her mom suddenly became the cheerleading coach in what was to be a failed attempt to make her daughter a cheerleader. Funny though how her mom became a cheerleading coach when she was never a cheerleader herself. It seems her high school career consisted of playing an instrument in the marching band. I’m not an expert but somehow I don’t think that translates into cheerleader.

Now that Wannabe is fourteen the situation has gotten completely out of control. Although I don’t live there anymore, I have family members that still do, mainly my stepbrothers; and I like to keep up with what is going on with them. Not so long ago my dad was attempting to call my fifteen year old stepbrother on his cell phone and did not reach him, so he left a voicemail. A little while later my stepbrother returned the call, but lucky for him my dad was on the phone at the time. When my dad played back the voicemail it was complete gibberish. Well, it was pretty obvious that my stepbrother was incoherent and completely snockered. Living two-thousand miles away from the situation was difficult for my dad, but his investigative skills kicked into high gear. Before the night was over he found out where my brother was, who he was with and who had purchased alcohol for him.

If you have guessed that it was Wannabe’s mom that supplied the booze you would be right. Not only did she take a party of underage teens somewhere they were not supposed to be, she supplied them with the alcohol as well. By the time my stepbrother’s mom was done chewing out Wannabe’s mom she had no cheeks left to her already flat broad-bottomed derriere.

I think that Wannabe’s mom will stop at nothing to make her daughter popular in the eyes of the other teens at school. She has a long history of backstabbing and undermining in her feeble attempts to make her daughter popular. It is kind of scary actually, because it reminds me of that story in Texas years ago when another Wannabe’s mom hired a hit man to kill the popular girl’s mom so that she would be too devastated to try out for cheerleader. Well, as Wannabe enters the ninth grade this year we will certainly follow-up and see how this saga plays out. As for the price of popularity, not for me - I think the stakes a way too high, and I’m not willing to pay for it.



Lost in the shuffle of celebrity farewells this past week, Billy Mays is somewhat the unsung hero. The prince of all pitchmen with the annoyingly hyper voice who oxy-cleaned his way into the hearts of all late night insomniacs has been laid to rest. We will certainly miss you Billy and your sixty-second infomercials which now allow millions of households to run more efficiently. As for who will step up to fill his shoes, the verdict is still out and somehow I don’t think the ShamWoW Guy is quite up to the task.


What! Edward Cullen Couldn't Stop A Cab?

It seems two weeks ago “Twilight” star Robert Pattinson was hit by a taxi while running from a group of crazed teen fans. Luckily, his jelly-starched five foot hair wasn’t harmed during the accident. However, the fact that ‘Eddie Boy’ couldn’t seem to stop a cab after bashing his fist into a speeding van raises questions. His responses in recent interviews have been reduced to incoherent gibberish at best leaving one to ponder, “Is the glittering vampire chronically stoned or is he just loosing his edge”?

Thanks Mr. Sparkles, you made my day!

Talking Sex With Teens

Unlike most of the households with teenagers that I know, in my house sex is a topic for open discussion. But then again, I don’t think my parents are your typical prudish patriarchs who would never dare to utter “such a word” around their teenagers.

My dad told me when he was growing up that the topic of sex was taboo with his parents, so he just learned about it from his friends at school. Knowing my grandparents like I do I can certainly believe that was true. What my grandparents didn’t know at the time was that my dad was already sexually active and probably knew more than they did about sex. Although that was over twenty years ago and my grandparents were extremely naïve, the point of the matter still holds true today – communication between teenagers and their parents regarding sex is far too often kept quiet, ignored or totally disregarded altogether.

A good friend of mine, who shall remain nameless, lives in an extremely strict household. Her parents hardly ever allow her out anywhere and when they do she has a very strict curfew. Sex has never been discussed by either of her parents, and she says if she even approaches the subject with her mother she is met with a rather harsh dismissal as if her questions or opinions just don’t matter. What her parents don’t know about her is that she had already lost her virginity at the wee age of thirteen and was having sex before she had to be home for curfew.

Well, it seems one day not too long ago my mother and I were having a conversation when the issues with my friend arose. It seems my mother knew her mother in high school and I was shocked to find out how sexually promiscuous her mother was back then. In other words, she got around a lot and was even given a pet name by a group of high school boys which I can not mention on this blog. I was thinking that my friend would probably be absolutely mortified to find out this juicy piece of information except that I feel that it is not my place to tell her.

I can certainly understand why my friend's mother feels the need to keep her past a secret; however, dismissing the subject of sex was a mistake that I feel cost my friend her virginity in the first place. She couldn’t get the answers she was looking for from her parents, so she went out looking for them elsewhere. So, what I'm trying to say is this, parents, if you are reading this you should have learned something by now! If you’re not talking to your kids about sex, trust me, their going to hear about from someone else. That someone may or may not be knowledgeable or even truthful for that matter. I know it is a difficult subject matter but in the end you have to ask yourself one question, “Do you want your kids to learn about sex from you, or a stranger”?

Monetizing Michael

The King of Pop is gone leaving behind numerous questions that continue to unfold surrounding his life and death. The only certainty that exists is that his legacy will surely be pimped out to the highest bidder. With the sea of debt currently drowning his estate possibly the biggest question looming, “Is Michael Jackson worth more dead than alive”? Regardless of how distasteful it may sound, if the Elvis Presley saga is any indication then the answer is an astounding YES!!!

Reports of his passing were barely breaking news when record stores were already reporting sale outs of their entire stocks of Michael Jackson albums as well as memorabilia. The ink on his death certificate is not even dry, and the vultures are already circling - lying in wait for their piece of the action. As the $$dollar signs$$ radiate from their pupils and the cash registers in their minds ring cha-ching, the last question that ultimately remains, “Will the Mighty Plastic One Really Rest in Peace”?


C.C. Dupree & Me

Well, it’s official. I’ve been wanting to start this blog for a long time, so here it is. Welcome to the insane insights of true life as it really is for teens and young adults.

Please allow me to introduce my alter ego. My real name I choose to keep anonymous. I will be referred only as C.C. Dupree at least for now. It’s not that I don’t find myself interesting enough, but actually I think some people may plot to kill me if they ever read this blog. You see, anonymity can be liberating when you are the observer. Being a person of few spoken words can be advantageous when you’re observing the behavior of others.

It’s not that I enjoy revealing the secrets of others or even my own for that matter; however, I think that there is somehow a lesson to be learned in everything we see and do. I find that a diary seen only by my own eyes is far too boring and not at all beneficial to others. Even my own mistakes, embarrassing as they may be, may somehow help others not to do the same.

Now, why have I titled this blog, “Youth-Disturbed”? You ask! It’s simply because there is something a little disturbing in all of us. It may be as subtle as the most popular girl in school who seems to have an ever changing breast size day-to-day (props to Charmin Ultra) or as in-your-face as a teenage drag queen who wears bright yellow latex pants who you can softly hear whispering the lyrics to “I Feel Like a Woman”.

Regardless, we all have some degree of idiosyncrasies which only serve to make us human. It is my intention with this blog to give you a look inside your own humanity, to dissect it and put it under a microscope and then go away feeling like you’ve actually learned something.